
You can now have uniform delivered to your home address for a small fee or delivered to school free of charge. Please follow the link below to order uniform direct from our supplier.


Please note, it is not compulsory to purchase from our uniform supplier. Although we have compared costs of local suppliers to provide best value, you may purchase items from clothing shops or supermarkets which may be available at a lower cost.


Please ensure your children are wearing the correct school uniform everyday. Parents of children not wearing the correct uniform will be contacted and asked to bring in the correct uniform or spare uniform will be provided. 

School Uniform

  • Maroon school sweatshirt or maroon cardigan with the school logo
  • White polo-shirt/shirt
  • Grey/black school trousers, skirt, pinafore or tailored school shorts (no jeans)
  • Plain black school shoes or plain black trainers- no other colours. 
  • Hair accessories must be in black, grey, maroon or white and be appropriate, e.g. no large bows etc
  • Shoulder length hair must be tied up. 
  • Warm waterproof coat appropriate for the time of year. 
  • In warmer weather,the following can be worn: tailored school shorts in grey/black or a gingham dress/shorts/pinafor in the school colours.



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PE Kit: 

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Black pumps / trainers
  • During the colder weather pupils may wear plain black jogging bottoms and sweatshirts for outdoor games and P.E
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Forest School sessions

  • Old warm clothes for the outdoors
  • Waterproof trousers and coats
  • wellington boots or 

(The school wil provide waterproofs to those pupils who do not have these.)

Please put your child's name in all pieces of clothing, including coats!

Thank you 

Contact us

Crosslee Primary School

Crosslee Road


Manchester, M9 6TG

0161 795 8493